I once came across a funny comic panel making a mockery of academic life.
Being a first-year undergraduate I didn’t understand all of it but day by day I am starting to go through each of them. And today, I am going through the rollercoaster ride of limbo.
It’s 12:30 a.m. on a Sunday. I just had a quiz on EN1014-Electronic Engineering and despite my efforts, received a bad grade. My non-engineering peers are getting ready to celebrate the new year with Awurudu (Sinhalese New Year) festivals organised at every corner. With the two-week vacation in most universities, most of them are binging TV series, gaming all night long or getting a good night’s sleep. And here I am trying to write a lab report due tonight while having no clue how to extract information and noise from a Butterworth bandpass filter.
And the thought slithered into my mind; “What the hell am I doing with my life?”
With the unwavering intention of selling my soul to science, I go back to work. End of a quick rant.
PS: I wasted 20 minutes writing this article and that’s on me. Cheers!